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Earnest Money: What Is It?

Photo by Mercigod via Shutterstock Earnest money is the amount of money put down for a large purchase. While this is not limited to real estate, it is used frequently in the real estate industry. It’s a sign of good faith from the buyer to the seller and normally...

Moving to a New Home: 5 Things to Do First

Moving to a new home is a long process, and it isn’t over after the actual move. There are many things you need to do in your new home to make it comfortable and functional for your needs. Rather than get overwhelmed by how much there is to unpack, consult this list...

When a Seller Becomes a Lender in Virginia

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay   During the last recession, many people were forced into foreclosure. A foreclosure stays on your credit report for a minimum of seven years and six months. If you filed for bankruptcy during the time your home was...

Benefits of a Slab Foundation in New Construction

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay Slab foundations have plenty of benefits, but they also have several issues, many of which depend on the region you're building your home. Here are the important things to consider when it comes to deciding whether a slab foundation...

Two Vital Tips to Strenghten Your Home’s Security

There are a lot of effective ways to keep your home safe, secure, and free from intrusion, but those techniques are of little use if you don't consistently use them. Technological solutions are well worth considering because they can be activated and monitored from...

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